2.3. The free energy¶
2.3.1. Available free energies¶
The choice of free energy is determined as follows:
free_energy none
The default value is none
, i.e., a simple Newtonian fluid is used.
Possible values of the free_energy
key are:
# none Newtonian fluid [DEFAULT]
# symmetric Binary fluid (finite difference)
# symmetric_lb Binary fluid (two distributions)
# brazovskii Brazovskii smectics
# polar_active Polar active gels
# lc_blue_phase Liquid crystal (nematics, ...)
# lc_droplet Liquid crystal emulsions
# fe_electro Single fluid electrokinetics
# fe_electro_symmetric Binary fluid electrokinetics
# ternary Three-component fluid
The choice of free energy will control automatically a number of factors related to choice of order parameter, the degree of parallel communication required, and so on. Each free energy has a number of associated parameters discussed in the following sections.
Details of general (Newtonian) fluid parameters, such as viscosity, are discussed in Simulation parameters.
2.3.2. Symmetric binary fluid¶
We recall the free energy is a functional of composition
Parameters are set in the input file via
# Binary fluid
free_energy symmetric # Use free energy
symmetric_a -0.0625 # Bulk term [required]
symmetric_b +0.0625 # Bulk term [required]
symmetric_kappa +0.04 # Interfacial term [required]
symmetric_c 0.00 # Surface term [optional]
symmetric_h 0.00 # Surface term [optional]
Common usage has K
) controls the interfacial energy penalty
and is usually positive. The combination of parameters determines
the interfacial width
The surface terms are discussed further in Plane walls.
In this approach, the fluid is treated using lattice Boltzmann, while the order parameter evolves according to a Cahn-Hilliard equation treated numerically via finite difference. For historical interest, the symmetric free energy problem can also be treated using two lattice Boltzmann distributions:
free_energy symmetric_lb
Other parameters have the same meaning. This approach was used in an earlier implementation, is and discussed at some length in work including [Kendon2001].
V.M. Kendon, M.E. Cates, I. Pagonabarraga, J.-C. Desplat, and P. Bladon, Inertial effects in three-dimensional spinodal decomposition of a symmetric binary fluid mixture: a lattice Boltzmann study, J. Fluid Mech., 440 147-203 (2001).
2.3.3. Brazovskii smectics¶
The free energy density is a function of the composition
Parameters are introduced via the keys
free_energy brazovskii
A -0.0005 # Default: 0.0
B +0.0005 # Default: 0.0
K -0.0006 # Default: 0.0
C +0.00076 # Default: 0.0
2.3.4. Polar active gels¶
The free energy density is a function of vector order parameter
There are no default parameters:
free_energy polar_active
polar_active_a -0.1 # Default: 0.0
polar_active_b +0.1 # Default: 0.0
polar_active_k 0.01 # Default: 0.0
It is usual to choose polar_active_k
is positive.
2.3.5. Liquid crystals¶
The free energy density is a function of tensor order parameter
The corresponding free_energy
value, despite its name, is
suitable for nematics and cholesterics, and not just blue phases:
free_energy lc_blue_phase
lc_a0 0.01 # Default: 0.0
lc_gamma 3.0 # Default: 0.0
lc_q0 0.19635 # Default: 0.0
lc_kappa0 0.00648456 # Default: 0.0
lc_kappa1 0.00648456 # Default: 0.0
The bulk free energy parameter lc_a0
); lc_gamma
The two elastic constants must be equal, i.e., we enforce the
single elastic constant approximation (both keys lc_kappa0
must be specified).
Other important parameters in the liquid crystal picture are:
lc_xi 0.7 # Default: 0.0
lc_Gamma 0.5 # Default: 0.0
The first is lc_xi
) is the effective molecular
aspect ratio and should be in the range lc_Gamma
; not to be
confused with lc_gamma
). Liquid crystal activity¶
There exists an option to model contractile or extensile active fluids via the addition of an “active” stress in the liquid crystal free energy. For historical reasons, this is additional active stress written as
The relevant input keys and values are, e.g.,
lc_activity yes # Required for activity
lc_active_zeta0 0.0 # Default: 0.0
lc_active_zeta1 0.001 # Default: 0.0
lc_active_zeta2 0.0 # Default: 0.0 Liquid crystal anchoring¶
Different types of anchoring are available at solid surfaces, with one or two related free energy parameters depending on the type. The type of anchoring may be set independently for walls and colloids. Please see the apprpropriate section for details:
2.3.6. Liquid crystal emulsion¶
This an interaction free energy which combines the symmetric and liquid
crystal free energies. The liquid crystal free energy constant
A coupling term is added to the free energy density:
For anchoring constant lc_droplet_W
Relevant keys (with default values) are:
free_energy lc_droplet
A -0.0625
B +0.0625
K +0.053
lc_a0 0.1
lc_q0 0.19635
lc_kappa0 0.007
lc_kappa1 0.007
lc_droplet_gamma 2.586 # Default: 0.0
lc_droplet_delta 0.25 # Default: 0.0
lc_droplet_W -0.05 # Default: 0.0
Note that key lc_gamma
is not used in this case. Liquid crystal emulsion activity¶
An option for an additional active stress in the case of an emulsion
is present. The form of the stress allows for activity in the
ordered phase (
The meaning of the active terms is the same as for the bare (active) liquid crystal case.
The relevant input keys are:
lc_droplet_active_zeta0 0.0 # Default 0.0
lc_droplet_active_zeta1 0.001 # Default 0.0
Note that these are separate from the bare liquid crystal activity parameters (which are not used at the same time). Liquid crystal in external electric field¶
A term the the free energy density arising from an external electric field is available, being written
lc_dielectric_anisotropy 41.4 # Should be +ve; default 0
electric_e0 0.01_0.0_0.0
It is convenient to render the free energy density dimensionless, in which case a reduced, or effective electric field strength is defined:
The quantity
2.3.7. Ternary free energy¶
An implementation of the ternary model following [Semprebon] is
available. This uses a lattice Boltzmann density
The basic free energy parameters are:
free_energy ternary # Select ternary free energy
ternary_kappa1 0.01 # Interfacial parameter > 0
ternary_kappa2 0.02 # Interfacial parameter > 0
ternary_kappa3 0.05 # Interfacial parameter > 0
ternary_alpha 1.00 # Interfical width
ternary_mobility_phi 0.15 # Mobility for phi
ternary_mobility_psi 0.10 # Mobility for psi
All the parameters must be specified.
As the description is rather involved, we do not repeat it here.
C. Semprebon, T. Krueger, and H. Kusumaatmaja, Ternary free-energy lattice Boltzmann model with tunable contact angles, Phys. Rev. E, 93 033305 (2016).
2.3.8. Electrokinetic free energy¶
An implementation of a free energy appropriate for charged fluids, the electrokinetic problem, is available following [Capuani].
The approach features two or more charged species (usually two), and solves the Nernst-Planck equation for charge transport (advection and diffusion for charge) coupled to the Navier-Stokes equations. A solver for the Poisson equation which relates the charge density to the electric potential is also required.
The basic free energy parameters are, here for two charged species:
free_energy fe_electro # Electrokinetics
electrokinetcs_eunit 1.0 # The unit charge
electrokinetics_z0 +1 # Valency species one
electrokinetics_z1 -1 # Valency species two
electrokinetics_d0 0.0125 # Diffusivity species one
electrokinetics_d1 0.0075 # Diffusivity species two
electrockinetcs_epsilon 3300.0 # Permittivity
Further details of the electrockinetic problem and some simple examples appear in the Electrokinetics tutorial section.
F. Capuani, I. Pagonabarraga, and D. Frenkel, Discrete solution of the electrokinetic equations, j. Chem. Phys. 121 973–986 (2004).